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"The Lonely Hearts Club" is the twelfth episode in the second season of the Fox drama series The O.C.. The episode aired on the tenth of February, in 2005.


On Valentine's Day, Sandy and Kirsten's conflict about Rebecca continues. Ryan tries to make peace with Caleb in order to spend Valentines Day with Lindsay. Meanwhile, Seth, Zach, and Summer head to San Diego in hope to make their comic book idea succeed, but it all falls apart when Seth has a emotional breakdown. Marissa and Alex decide take a step forward in their romantic relationship, while Julie returns from her trip to Paris in a vain and futile hope to reconnect with Marissa. With having to deal with Lindsay, she tries to make Marissa be more around Caleb to get her trust fund.


It's the day before Valentine's Day and Ryan and Seth walk into the kitchen to find several bouquets of roses that Sandy arranged for Kirsten. Sandy asks them for help with the other several bouquets and Ryan says how they are very adamant about Valentine's Day. Seth is not having it with the holiday and Ryan isn't either. Seth says that his feelings for Summer are slowly returning and he is really not excited about going to San Diego with Zach and Summer. Ryan says it shouldn't be a problem since he's friends with Summer but Seth doesn't think it will make a difference. Seth tells Ryan about him almost kissing Summer and Ryan tells him to keep it in his pants when he goes with his friends, Summer and Zach, to San Diego. Kirsten walks in still very upset and Sandy tries to give her one of the bouquets. She takes it from him and shoves it down the garbage disposal in the sink.

Sandy and Kirsten - The Lonely Hearts Club

Sandy tries to give Kirsten a bouquet of roses but she has other plans for them.

Sandy walks into their bedroom and Kirsten can't even look at him. Kirsten says how Sandy lied to her and that she saw Rebecca in his office the night before. Sandy tries to explain how serious the crime she is accused of is. Kirsten stops him from trying to get off on a technicality and Sandy says that he did what he thought was right since Rebecca is innocent. They continue to argue about Sandy's history with Rebecca but Sandy says that there is nothing going on between them. Ryan visits Lindsay and gives her a rose. She is confused since she thought they were on a break and Ryan expresses how he wants to spend Valentine's Day with her. She says she will if he apologizes to Caleb.

Seth visits Summer before they leave for San Diego to make sure they are okay before all three of them spend time together. Summer assures him she is fine and she really wants everything to go well at the meeting. Zach arrives and they all leave. Lindsay and Kirsten walk out Caleb from the hospital who is going home to an empty house since Julie is still in Europe and Marissa is off with Alex. Lindsay asks if Ryan could stop by but Caleb immediately says no. Kirsten talks to him in private and tells him that if she makes up with Ryan, things would be good with Lindsay. Caleb agrees and then asks Lindsay to bring Ryan.

In the car with Seth, Summer, and Zach, they bring up the trip Seth and Summer including Ryan and Marissa took to Tijuana in The Escape. Seth and Summer bring up the hotel and don't tell Zach about how they shared the bed. Julie gets home early and surprises Caleb. Lindsay brings Caleb lunch and drinks and asks Julie if she would like some. Julie leaves Lindsay and Caleb to allow them some more time together and goes straight to Marissa's room. Julie gives her a gift and tries to talk to her about how they need to move forward. Marissa refuses until Julie threatens to take her phone which Marissa gives into.

Sandy arrives at the hotel with Rebecca who is now staying in since running into Kirsten. Rebecca apologizes for complicating his life and gives him a DVD copy of the movie they saw on their first date. Sandy says that he won't be the best lawyer for her and suggests she finds someone else. Rebecca understands since it is complicating things in his marriage. Sandy gets home and finds Kirsten reading and asks about Caleb. Sandy tells Kirsten that he got Rebecca a hotel and Kirsten says she won't stand in his way if he wants to take Rebecca's case. Sandy says he won't take it and that he chose not to. Kirsten thanks him and he says he wants to go out for dinner on Valentine's Day.

Marissa is helping Alex hang flyers in The Bait Shop and tells her how crazy Julie is making her. Alex gives her some advice with her mom and Marissa asks her to dinner. Alex says not on Valentine's Day but they can go another day. Zach is assigning roles for everyone before the meeting and Seth asks him to relax. When Summer heads for the bathroom, Zach tells Seth he plans on asking her to go to a wedding in Italy for his sister. He plans on making a whole trip of it and an assistant tells them that their meeting will have to be postponed until the next day.

Marissa and Alex - The Lonely Hearts Club

Marissa asks Alex out to dinner which she agrees to.

Ryan arrives at the Nichol's house and is very nervous about confronting Caleb which Lindsay notices. Ryan goes into Caleb's study as he is playing pool. Ryan is trying to apologize and Caleb continues to insult him. Caleb takes a trip down memory lane and calls Ryan a criminal since Sandy found him in jail. Ryan says how trying to talk to him was a waste of time. Zach, Seth, and Summer get to their hotel room and Zach and Summer will share a room while Seth has his own. Seth is uncomfortable with the fact that Summer and Zach will be together. Seth sits in between Zach and Summer as they watch movies and Zach suggests they go to sleep earlier in order to prepare for the meeting. Seth disagrees and tries to convince them all to stay up. Summer and Zach are tired and tell Seth to go to bed. He unwillingly goes to his room. Sandy meets Max at the pier and apologizes for not taking Rebecca's case.

Seth, Summer, and Zach - The Lonely Hearts Club

Seth sits in between Zach and Summer and tries to create as much distance between them as possible.

Sandy meets Max at the pier and apologizes for not taking Rebecca's case. Sandy leaves to get Max some tea. Sandy returns to find Max had passed away on the bench he left him at on the pier and sits with him. The next day, Sandy finds Rebecca at sunrise on the beach and holds her hand. She cries in Sandy's arms.

Zach, Summer, and Seth are waiting to be called into their meeting and Seth is very jittery. He is chugging coffee and tapping his hands continuously. Summer asks him if he slept at all and really, he didn't sleep much. Zach and Summer say they slept well but worry about Seth's lack of sleep. Larry Bernstein calls them in and says how much he was impressed by their comic. Larry asks to talk about the characters and Seth takes lead but doesn't explain it well. Seth brings up how there could be a love story but Zach and Summer immediately disagree. Seth continues to pitch the idea of a love story and Zach and Summer can't stop him. Zach and Summer say there was no discussion of a love story and refuse to incorporate that. Seth continues even more and Summer apologizes to Larry. Larry thinks they aren't ready and asks them to get back to him after high school.

Seth - The Lonely Hearts Club

Seth's lack of sleep sets the meeting for the comic book off on the wrong foot.

Sandy gets home and tells Kirsten about Max's passing and that they think it was a stroke. Kirsten apologizes and asks about Rebecca. Sandy says that he still wants to go out for Valentine's Day, saying that they need it. Sandy heads to the bedroom to take a nap and says he wants to see Kirsten all dressed up for their date. Ryan goes to the Nichols to try again with Caleb. Ryan says to Caleb that talking doesn't work for them and that they need to try something else. Ryan says they play pool and if he were to win, Caleb has to accept him as Lindsay's boyfriend. Caleb says it's crazy but agrees.

Sandy and Kirsten - The Lonely Hearts Club 2

Sandy still wants to spend Valentine's Day with Kirsten regardless of Max's passing.

Marissa and Julie are having dinner and she asks her mom what it is really for. Julie agrees to be honest and tells Marissa she is worried her and Caleb won't make it. Julie says the one person she doesn't want to lose is Marissa. Marissa is shocked until Julie says that she is going to try and get more control over the company and more from Caleb. Julie encourages Marissa to spend more time with Caleb so that Marissa will get a trust fund out of him instead of most of it going to Lindsay possibly. Marissa takes Alex's advice and uses the line she suggested and it actually works.

Julie - The Lonely Hearts Club

Julie encourages Marissa to spend more time with Caleb in order to secure a trust fund.

Seth sulks in his room and Summer approaches him, asking him to explain his meltdown. Seth doesn't answer and Summer gives him the chance to say something to her. Seth sees Zach and decides not to say anything. Seth says he will take the bus and Summer and Zach decide to stay in the hotel for the night. As Sandy is getting ready, he gets a phone call from Rebecca. She lets him know she is leaving tonight and asks Sandy not to stop her. Sandy tells Kirsten that Rebecca is leaving and Kirsten notices he wants to say goodbye to her. Kirsten doesn't expect him to leave until he tells her he will be right back.

Seth rides on an empty bus home to Newport staring at his phone. Zach and Summer talk about how they were able to salvage Valentine's Day even though Seth tried to ruin it and come between them. Zach says he notices that Seth will never get over Summer and she says that she doesn't have that problem herself. Zach is glad and Summer says they should make the most of it. Seth calls Summer but she lets it go to voicemail. Seth decides not to leave her one. The game of pool between Caleb and Ryan is close. Ryan ends up winning the game but Caleb says it was just a game he won. Lindsay comes in and asks Ryan what they will do but Ryan encourages Caleb and Lindsay to spend time together. He says they can hang out another day and leaves.

Kirsten calls the restaurant to cancel her and Sandy's reservation. Sandy tries to leave Rebecca even as she is encouraging him to stay. Sandy says he will miss her and as he is leaving him and Rebecca kiss (EW WHAT!?). Seth is at the diner and Ryan joins him. Seth tells him about his meltdown and how he humiliated himself in front of Summer. Marissa visits Alex and tells her about the dinner she had with her mom. Marissa says that she likes Alex and she asks her if she wants to go to the beach. Marissa leaves with Alex. Kirsten waits for Sandy in their bedroom, nearly in tears, and when she see him, she shuts their door before he can enter. Seth and Ryan walk on the pier together as couples celebrate the day. Marissa and Alex sit together on the beach and Alex says how the tide changed. She kisses Marissa and they make out on the beach.

Marissa and Alex - The Lonely Hearts Club 2

Marissa and Alex share their first kiss together on the beach.



Guest Starring[]




  • Alex: Are you okay?
  • Marissa: Yeah, I think I'm okay. I just a terrible dinner with my mom.
  • Alex: My confrontation technique work?
  • Marissa: I guess so. But also, it was knowing that I could come here and see you. Not that I want to put any pressure on you or anything, it's just... that's how I feel. And, I had to say it.
  • Alex: Are you in the mood for the beach?
  • Marissa: Now?
  • Alex: Yeah, it's almost time.
  • Marissa: Time for what?
  • Alex: For the tide to change. It's a little ritual I have to watch the high tide change whenever something major is about to change in my life.
  • Marissa: I thought you said no dating on Valentine's Day.
  • Alex: Screw it. I'm a huge fan of spontaneous first dates.
  • Marissa: I am too.

