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"The Gamble" is the third episode in the first season of the Fox drama series The O.C.. The episode aired on the nineteenth of August, in 2003.


After Ryan's arrest for the fire, Sandy works his legal magic with surprise help from Kirsten to get him out. The two search for Ryan's mother, who surfaces apparently sober and ready to accept her son back into her life. In an attempt to improve everyone's chances for a better future, Kirsten invites Dawn Atwood to a charity casino night. However, Dawn's alcoholic demons resurface and she makes a drunken scene in front of the entire party.


In the juvenile prison, Sandy meets with Ryan. Sandy tells him how Kirsten's company, the Newport Group has dropped all charges against him. drops all the charges against him. Ryan can leave after probation hearing, which takes 30 to 60 days. Sandy says he can get out sooner if he is released with a parent or legal guardian. On the other hand, Luke gets free. Sandy explains that Luke has no prior charges and his record is clear, and he has parents to take him home, but obviously Ryan's situation is completely different. Sandy promises Ryan to find his mother in order to get him out of jail. But Ryan does not want to find his mom. Sandy says how Ryan should have talked to him instead of running away. Ryan retaliates saying he would have ended up in child services and foster care. Ryan says how Sandy has done enough but he can take care of himself and that it is better for everyone. Ryan tells Sandy to thank Kirsten for him. Ryan walks back into jail and guys start messing with him.

Ryan & Sandy - The Gamble

Sandy and Ryan discuss how to get him out to avoid the long probation period.

Back at the Cohen’s. Kirsten prepares for a "Newpsie" convention. Kirsten tells Sandy to be prepared for more at Casino Night the upcoming weekend. Seth walks in disappointed he is grounded and expresses his concern for Ryan. Seth asks why Ryan couldn't stay with them and Kirsten gets upset about the same conversation they have been having. Kirsten argues that Ryan is a bad influence and the Cohens are not his family. Seth storms out when the doorbell rings and Julie along with other Newpsies follow in. Sandy is about to leave when he talks about finding another kid to jeopardize the community. The women are dumbfounded and disgusted.

The Newpsies - The Gamble

Sandy leaves the "Newpsies" shocked.

Back at juvie, the inmates are getting food when an inmate threatens Ryan. The Newpsies are arguing about what the theme of the party should be and Kirsten looks bored. She steps out and they start to gossip about Ryan. Seth makes his way toward the back of the house about to sneak out to visit Ryan. Kirsten tells him no and Seth invites her to come with and Kirsten consents. Marissa and Summer are hanging out in her room when Marissa calls Luke. She leaves him a message, wanting to talk to him. Summer says how much Luke loves her and that he will get over it. Seth walks in to talk to Marissa and sees Summer. Seth awkwardly says hi to Summer and she ignores him. Seth invites Marissa but she says she can't go since Luke isn't talking to her, it's too complicated. File:Seth & Summer - The Gamble.webp

Kirsten and Seth arrive at juvie and Kirsten looks nervous. Kirsten signs them in and Seth walks over to sit across from Ryan and sees he was stabbed in the neck with a fork. Kirsten waits near the exit when Seth apologizes to Ryan about their plan not working and how weird Marissa was earlier. The same inmate that has been bothering Ryan throughout his time in juvie starts hitting on Kirsten. Kirsten is visibly uncomfortable and Ryan tells the inmate to leave Kirsten alone. Kirsten tells him it is okay and the inmate gets up and makes his way over to Kirsten. Ryan stops him from getting closer to her and the inmate starts beating Ryan up as Kirsten calls for the guards. Kirsten is surprised by Ryan's defense and watches him get taken back into jail.

Ryan protects Kirsten - The Gamble

When an inmate approaches Kirsten, Ryan comes to her defense and protects her.

Sandy gets home and finds Seth playing video games with Ryan by his side. Kirsten brought Ryan home to ensure his safety. Kirsten says how they have to find Ryan's mom since he still can't stay with the Cohens. Kirsten says how Ryan doesn't know what he wants since he is a kid and Ryan overhears their conversation. The next morning, Seth asks Ryan what happened with Marissa before Luke showed up. Ryan says how she came to see him and how he told her to leave. Seth doesn't really believe it and Ryan says that it didn't seem right. Ryan regrets some of the things he said to her and Seth thinks he has a chance to make it right.

At the Coopers, Julie asks Marissa to come to the event which she declines. Julie encourages Marissa to make things right with Luke and to join her at the event. Sandy is rushing to court and Kirsten asks him what she should do with Ryan. Sandy tells her to take him to the event to help set up and that everyone will love him. Kirsten introduces Ryan to Julie at the event who doesn't seem interested. Luke comes in and greets Julie in a very friendly way, saying he wants to make amends for the fire. Kirsten apologizes to Ryan, saying she forgot Luke was coming and that he can leave if he wants to. Ryan says he wants to help. Marissa is helping set up when she sees Luke and asks to talk to him. Luke thinks that she would rather talk to Ryan and leaves. Ryan walks over to Marissa and tries to apologize about what happened. Marissa says it was also her fault and wishes she didn't leave Luke to see Ryan. Marissa agrees with what Ryan had said that night when he tries to tell her that he didn't mean it. She says that they really are from two different worlds and that she is glad he is okay. She walks away and Ryan sees Seth who was listening to their whole conversation.

We are from two different worlds - The Gamble

Marissa agrees with Ryan saying that they really are from two different worlds.

Ryan finds Luke and tries to talk to him about what happened but things heat up between them. Kirsten notices this and separates them. Julie starts gossiping about Ryan and the Cohens, saying they are crazy for taking Ryan in. Sandy overhears Julie blaming him for bringing Ryan, a criminal, near her home. Sandy jumps into their conversation leaving Julie speechless. Sandy says how disappointed and surprised as the community is supposed to be welcoming. He makes a comment that Ryan is from Chino, which is not far or different from where Julie grew up in Riverside. He answers a phone call from a PI who found where Dawn is and leaves them.

Back at the event, Kirsten is on the phone with developers as Ryan and Seth are setting up a card table. Ryan asks what Kirsten does exactly for a living and Seth tells him not to ask. Kirsten says how she tried to explain it to Seth fell asleep. Ryan still wants to know and she begins to tell him. He has a pretty good understanding of her role and the Newport Group due to his experience in working construction. Ryan tells her how he used to want to be an architect and she asks what he wants to be now. Ryan says 17 and she want to be that too. Julie expresses to Jimmy her anger at Sandy when he revealed where she was from and deprecates Kirsten's decision of bringing Ryan home. Jimmy asks Julie to leave Kirsten alone because she is paying the bills for the Coopers. Julie gets upset and asks him what he thinks it makes them look like since Kirsten gave them a hand out.

At a laundry mat where Dawn is working, Sandy walks in wanting to talk to her. She asks Sandy how he is and they leave. Kirsten, Ryan, and Seth get back to the house while Kirsten is still talking to Ryan about architecture tours. Ryan walks into the living room and sees Dawn talking with Sandy. Kirsten, Sandy, Seth, Ryan, and Dawn all eat dinner, awkwardly together. Sandy makes some small talk about her new job when Ryan asks about the restaurant and Ryan figures out that she got fired. Dawn says it was for the best and Ryan asks her if she has seen Trey. She says how she went to visit him but he wouldn't see her. Kirsten asks her where she is living and Dawn tells her that she is living with friends and is between places. Dawn says how she broke up with A.J. because he laid his hands on her and Ryan too many times, talks about coke, and this embarrassed Ryan enough for him to get up and leave. Dawn goes after him and Ryan asks what she is even doing here. Dawn says she came for him and Ryan gets confused and angry since she left a note and abandoned him. Dawn tells Ryan how it will be different and she will be different. Dawn talks about their family and how she felt like she failed when Ryan got arrested. She asks if he will ever forgive her and he says they should go slow. Dawn agrees and starts crying, saying she won't loose him again.

Dawn - The Gamble

Dawn Atwood and her son, Ryan, have an emotional conversation about their current relationship.

The next morning, Seth is wondering where Dawn and Ryan went but Kirsten doesn't know either. Kirsten says how they need to be supportive and Seth is cautious because she abandoned Ryan. Seth asks to have her stay so that they can watch Dawn. Ryan and Dawn get back and talk about the walk they had. Dawn then says that they should leave and Kirsten invites her to the party, Vegas Night, and Dawn agrees. Ryan is washing the dishes when Sandy gets home and asks how everything is going with his mom. Dawn likes it there and is considering living there, some place small. Dawn walks in all dressed up and ready to go with help from Kirsten.

Ryan and Dawn - The Gamble

Ryan and Dawn Atwood walk into the event together.

At the event, Dawn and Ryan walk in arm in arm and she is amazed and asks if all of their parties are like this. Kirsten and Sandy talk to Julie and Jimmy. Kirsten says how much she likes Julie's dress and Julie tells her it's hers. Dawn is playing some table games with Ryan nearby and is winning impressively. Kirsten is watching over them. Ryan looks at Marissa from across the room who looks back at him. Dawn notices and lets him go talk to her but as he leaves, she starts getting shaky. Ryan walks over to Marissa and she asks about his mom. Marissa says that now that his mom is back, she assumes he is going home and Marissa wishes him luck. Luke catches them talking and Marissa goes after him. Luke still won't talk to Marissa and they talk about Luke and Ryan's fight. Luke is jealous about the fact that Marissa left him to go see Ryan. Marissa says it was a mistake but Luke doesn't believe her. He leaves and Marissa catches Ryan watching over them.

Luke and Marissa - The Gamble

Luke has a hard time believing Marissa.

Seth is walking around when he sees dice roll off a table, he goes to pick them up and Summer is right there. She tells Seth to blow on the dice since she is superstitious. Seth does and she has a great few rolls and makes Seth stay with her. Julie approaches Sandy to apologize and say thank you about the check and the $100,000 that Sandy didn't know about. Sandy looks for Kirsten and finds he talking and laughing with Jimmy. Ryan goes to Luke to assure him that nothing happened between him and Marissa and that she is choosing Luke. Dawn goes to the bar and orders a drink as she sweats profusely. Kirsten catches her and starts to get concerned.

Summer and Seth - The Gamble

Seth appears to be Summer's good luck charm at the event.

Seth continues to give superstitious Summer good luck and finally earns a moment with her. Although, she still doesn't know his name. Luke finally talks to Marissa and they start to play slot machines together. Dawn starts to have bad luck and gets more alcohol when Kirsten approaches her, asking if she had enough. Dawn says she is right but it's hard for her to not celebrate with a drink. Sandy approaches them and asks to speak with Kirsten. Dawn continues to drink more and more when other guests start judging her.

Julie tells Jimmy how Sandy didn't know about the check while Kirsten and sandy argue about her not telling him about the check. Kirsten says how it is just a loan but he isn't mad about the money, just that she didn't tell him. Kirsten doesn't know why she did but Sandy has a few ideas. Kirsten assures him it was only a loan and nothing more when Jimmy interrupts. Jimmy is trying to apologize but Sandy tells him angrily that he is trying to have a private conversation with his wife. Seth and Ryan order Mountain Dews when Seth tells him about the night he has had so far with Summer. Summer interrupts them calling Seth something other than Seth and he remains hopeful that she will know his name by the end of the night.

Seth Cohen - The Gamble

Seth remains hopeful that Summer will know his name by the end of the night.

Dawn runs into a worker, falls down, and makes a scene in front of everyone in a drunken state. Some kids say how waster Dawn is and Marissa shuts them up. Ryan notices her behavior and Seth leaves Summer on her own to go help Ryan. Dawn yells at Ryan to help her up when Luke and Seth jump in and help her. Sandy steps in and tells Dawn she had too much and has Seth go get the car. Dawn starts yelling at the guests for staring at her and she starts looking for Ryan. He takes Luke's place and she apologizes to him and that she ruined it. She says that Ryan hates him but he tells his mom he loves her. All of the Cohens, Ryan, and Dawn leave. Dawn is asleep in Ryan's bed in the pool house as he watches over her.

The next morning, Dawn packs her bags and goes to Ryan to say goodbye but decides not to wake him up. Just as she is about to leave, Kirsten walks in. Kirsten tries to talk her out of it since she is Ryan's mom. Dawn says she is a mess but not a mother and is being responsible by leaving. Dawn says she isn't wired to be a mother and says that she doesn't have what Kirsten has. Dawn says how the way Kirsten's husband, kid, and even Ryan look at her in a way that she will make everything okay. Dawn notices how well Kirsten holds her family together and that walking away was the first good thing she did for Ryan because it lead him to the Cohens. Dawn says that in this way, Ryan will end up with a real mother. Dawn waves goodbye to Ryan and she leaves.

Dawn waves goodbye to Ryan - The Gamble

Dawn waves goodbye to Ryanleaving him in the hands of the Cohens.

Seth and Sandy are making breakfast in the kitchen when Kirsten and Ryan come inside. Kirsten says how Ryan is staying with them from now on and Seth is really happy. The look on Ryan's happy face is priceless when he tells Sandy and Kirsten he will unpack later. Kirsten jokes to Sandy that they got in way over the heads and they look over to see Ryan and Seth talking about their night.

Ryan & The Cohens - The Gamble

Ryan finally gets to stay with the Cohens and he couldn't be happier.



Guest Starring[]



Seth: Hi, Summer. Seth Cohen.
Summer: I'm superstitious. Blow on these.
Seth: What?

Ryan: I used to want to be an architect.
Kirsten: What do you want to be now?
Ryan: 17.
Kirsten: Me too.

Kirsten: (to Seth) Where do you think you're going?
Seth: What are you doing here?
Kirsten: Taking a Newpsie break. Where are you going?
Seth: I'm not going anywhere.
Kirsten: Seth...
Seth: ... I'm going to juvie to visit Ryan.
Kirsten: No. No, you are not. No way.
Seth: Okay, bye.

Seth: If anything happens to Ryan, then it's all on you, so I hope you can live with that.
Kirsten: What I can't live with is if something was to happen to you because of him.
Seth: Like I meet someone who doesn't suck?

Seth: I'm going to visit Ryan. I thought, you know, maybe you'd like to come. I'm sure he'd love to see you.
Marissa: Uh, what's that, Seth? Did you say you need a ride to a Star Wars convention?
Seth: Star Wars convention? I'm sorry, her top was off. You couldn't at least have said X-Men for me?

Marissa: Look, Luke and I got in a fight last night, okay?
Julie: So you got into a fight. You've had fights before. You guys have been together forever.
Marissa: Maybe that's the problem. I mean, what if there's someone else out there?
Julie: Like who, that boy from Chino? Marissa, do you want to end up like your Aunt Cindy, with four kids in a trailer park? She broke my mother's heart. I will not let you break mine.
Marissa: Oh, so now this is about you?

Ryan: What are you even doing here?
Dawn: I came...for you.
Ryan: Why? What do you want from me? You left a note. A note.
Dawn: Okay, let me explain..
Ryan: You abandoned me. You threw me out. You just took off.
Dawn: I know, honey. I was...and AJ, and...the drinking, and...It's going to be different now.
Ryan: That's what you said when we moved from Fresno after dad got arrested.

Kirsten: You can't do this. You're his mother.
Dawn: I'm a mess. Not a mother.
Kirsten: You have a responsibility.
Dawn: I'm being responsible. I'm not wired for this. I can't care for anybody else. I don't have what you got. The way your husband looks at you. And your kid looks at you. Even my kid... Like, no matter what, you're going to make everything okay. You hold your family together. I tear mine apart.

Jimmy: So, how's your mother?
Seth: Er, just... married.



