Ryan and Sadie is the relationship between Ryan Atwood-Cohen and Sadie Campbell, throughout the third season of the Fox drama series The O.C.. They immediately form a connection, but due to Ryan's college plans and feelings for Marissa Cooper they decide to part ways.
Sadie, cousin of Johnny, moves to Newport after his recent death. She comes to help her aunt figure out finances and plan Johnny’s funeral. She meets Marissa and confesses to believing Marissa to be Johnny’s girlfriend. After Marissa clarifies the truth, she tells her about Ryan. Later, Sadie meets Ryan at The Bait Shop where they have instant chemistry. Through Sadie, Ryan learns of Johnny’s mothers financial troubles. Sadie tells Ryan that they need to find Johnnys father since he owes years of child support. Ryan lies to Marissa and goes on a road trip with Sadie. After an emotional journey, Ryan and Sadie end up in a motel room playing card games. During the game Ryan ignores a call from a sad Marissa. He tells Sadie it was Seth calling. Ryan continues the night flirting with Sadie and calls Marissa the following day, and the two break up. Sadie and Ryan have a short lived relationship, the entire time dealing with Volcek and Marissa dramas. After a few days Sadie realizes Ryan is leaving for college and their relationship wouldn’t work. Later Sadie leaves Newport to continue her job as a jeweler.
Throughout the Series[]
Season 3[]
- They are portrayed by main cast member Benjamin McKenzie and recurring member Nikki Reed.